We are staring down the final two weeks of the year, where time feels like Jello and the day of the week is irrelevant.
If you are traveling, make the most of the trip. Take all the photos. Take them with all the combinations of your people. Write down the funny things your kids say, what your relatives you see once a year report on their lives, and the weird things you see. All of these quick notes become great fodder for anecdotes once you are back home.
I love to scrapbook and with this hobby has come an appreciation for story. When I first started, I would print out photos of my daughter from a few months ago and write the most obvious captions, such as "R and L playing with baby M. March 1, 2022." Terribly obvious to anyone looking at the photo and other than capturing the date, it tells you nothing.
I've since learned to write down the quotes, the mistakes, silly mishaps, and details of everyday life that slowly change from year to year.
One day you won't have to sneak into Costco twice to buy enough baby formula, prominently display the daycare's daily log app on your home screen, or find baby socks littering every room of the house.
Take the pictures
of the little things
of everyone
of how it all looks today
Don't let chaos control your life. Take the first step towards a more organized and fulfilling week. Enroll in my Master Your Week: Time Management mini-course now.